Thursday, July 1, 2010


- 3:00: go to sleep
- 5:30: wake up because of so much sound.
dad call sis to make sure that she come home safety.
- 7:00: get back to sleep
- 9:00: wake up really
- 10:00: start studying a ltt bit after doing housework
- 10.30: make myself a cup of cappuccino and miss my sis a lot. normally, she'll make it for me...
- 12:00: have lunch
and then read my sister's diary => cry again
- 14:00: go out with Tung to ask for his job. its f*cking hot (30°c),
see Vy by chance,
we'll drink some smoothie together. the saleman make a mistake to give me the big one when our command is 3 medium. however, its my luck but i couldn't finish it by the way.
- 17:00: go home & take a shower.
my feet are swollen cause i walked with a high heel.
- 18:00: cook for dinner + chat with Linh & Dinh
- 19:00: have dinner + chat with Marine -> have a job for July : babysit her nephew
- 21:00: Tung ask for a Karaoke with Khang & Hoang but the megaphone was broken, so we play cards and watch MTV - miss horror.
- 22:00: its always f*cking hot so we decide to go out and play in the ground. Right, football at 10 p.m. the ball was flyed to our neighbor's garden 3 times, Hoang & Khanh have to climb over the wall to take it back.
- 23:15: game finish.
back home & a shower again.
- 24:00: time to go to bed!

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